Madeline Brown

Madeline Brown

Monday, February 18, 2019

Week 16 & 17 - Nebraska City - Two Sister Missionaries Walk Into a Bar

Hello from the Midwest! Nothing is new, I'm still freezing. 

These past weeks have been wild, we had transfers on the 6th and I'm training a new missionary! Fresh out of the MTC, her name is Sister Church from Kanab UT. She gets roughly 5-10 jokes about her name every day. She's hilarious though, and we get along super well. 

We spend a lot of our time finding lately, we knock on lots of doors, we're starting to have preferences for doors we knock on. Soft green doors are the best. People here are generally nice, every once in a while you get someone who's a little nasty to you but we just wish them the best and move on. 

We are teaching this kid named Ayden right now, he's 12 and has a lot of misconceptions about the church, but definitely feels the spirit and wants to get baptized. As long as all goes well he should get baptized on March 2nd! We are stoked for him, he's my best friend right now.

There's also a part member family in the Nebraska City ward who owns a bar on the edge of town and we go there to teach them and have meals with them sometimes. They're the best, and they told us we can come to sing some hymns on karaoke next Monday before the open, we told them we would have to think about it. 

I love you all. Email me if you feel like you want to. I always like to hear from you. 

Pretty Sky

Me and Sister Church

Walking Around on Sister Church's Second Day

With Sister Jawnie Grow

Got to Video Chat with Family Today!!!

Happy Valentines Day

Harley's Dog!

Transfer Day

Valentines Day

Sister Coleman Going Home :(

Public Library in Nehawka

Sister Terriipaia, Sister Sipple, Sister Tuala and Sister Thomas the Nurse

With Drew Livingston in Omaha

Monday, February 4, 2019

Week 15 - Nebraska City - Polar Vortex?

Hi Everyone!

Everyone has been emailing me about some polar vortex that went through the midwest? It was only -15° with -40° windchill so I don't know what everyone is talking about? Pretty warm here.

This week was pretty slow honestly, Tuesday we had Zone Conference so we drove all the way out to Grand Island about 3 hours away to do that with the Lincoln sisters which was fun. I never realized how much you can learn from the songs "If the Savior Stood Beside Me" and "I Belong to the Church of Jesus Christ". It really is something to think about, if the Savior stood beside you, would you do the things you do? Say the things you say? What we don't realize enough, is that the Savior is ALREADY always beside us. 

Wednesday we were grounded due to the extreme weather, so we called a bunch of people from home and that was about all we could do. 

Thursday we went up to Syracuse (which consists of about 20 streets total) and started teaching the Mayor hahaha. He's a cool guy. His name is KC and he's got a great family. We also had dinner there and watched tour videos of the Rome Italy temple, (which looks like a dream, I recommend you go check those out if you haven't) no doubt that is the house of the Lord.

Friday we went to Auburn and this other tiny tiny town called Nemaha (consists of probably 5 streets total) and visited Jawnie Grow, my best friend. She's 94 and still young, as she says. We sang hymns to her and the spirit is always so strong when we do that. 

Saturday we had a funeral for Brother Blair, The man from the ward who passed away last Sunday. It was very sweet and touching. All of his kids sang Come Come Ye Saints and I might've shed a couple tears. A lot of tears. That's my favorite hymn ever, listen to it this week when you have the time. (The Lower Lights has a good version) 

Sunday I got a call from President Ence telling me that I'm training next transfer! Crazy news since I am just finishing being trained this transfer. I'll meet my trainee on Wednesday and I'm so excited! 

Love you all, as always, and I hope you are well! Email me and let me know how you are doing, the good the bad and the ugly. 

This week, serve someone. Anyone! Just go outside and look around because there is always something to be done and it never goes unnoticed. Service is one of the most important and easiest things you can do to become like our Savior, Jesus Christ and to grow spiritually. 

"As we serve, we draw closer to God. We come to know Him in ways that we otherwise might not. Our faith in Him increases. Our problems are put into perspective. Life becomes more satisfying. Our love for others increases, as well as our desire to serve. Through this blessed process, we become more like God, and we are better prepared to return to Him."
-Elder Carl B Cook, October 2016 General Conference 

You all are amazing children of our Heavenly Father and he wants you to be the best you can be. Serving can help us to realize and develop the gifts and strengths that we all have, and will bless you as well as the people you serve. 

Till next Monday :)
-Sister Brown

Dinner at a crazy nice restaurant

Sister Tuala's Last Dinner with the Martins


Sister T and I at El Portal (the only Mexican restaurant besides Taco Bell)