This is my 7th day in the MTC so I have officially been out a whole week. This week was wild to say the least. When you arrive at the MTC they put a red dot on your name tag so that everybody knows you are new and every person you pass shouts WELCOME TO THE MTC in your face. It gets really old.
My district (thirteen other new elders and sisters who are going to the same place as I am) is pretty cool, everyone is so different and it's sweet seeing and getting to know all these people from different walks of life. At the beginning of the week we were all strangers and by the end we were a family. We help each other out and do a lot with each other.
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The District |
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Me and Sister Thomas |
My companions name is Sister Thomas. She's interesting, but she's really nice. It's just weird having somebody go everywhere you go. The first two days were just a lot of class and orientation for different things. For those of you that are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, it's like a week of non-stop seminary. But it's really fun at the same time. I wake up at 6:30 and then my schedule goes:
Breakfast, class, study, class, lunch, class, study, dinner, exercise, and then bed at 10:30.
So its pretty long days. Since being here though, I have gained a much better knowledge of the gospel and even deeper love for my fellow beings. The people here are honestly amazing and have such a desire to learn and to do the work of the lord. I have been thinking a lot lately mostly about how we are all children of our Heavenly Father and what that means to me. Knowing that I have a Father in Heaven that I can talk to whenever I need help with anything or whenever I am feeling sad or just not right about something has been such a comfort to me during this time. Prayer has been the thing I turn to with any problem I have had this past week, now that I don't have my family to call every day, and I have seen so many blessings just in this short amount of time from that.
"But behold, I say unto you that ye must pray always, and not faint; that ye must not perform any thing unto the Lord save in the first place, ye shall pray unto the Father in the name of Christ, that he will consecrate thy performance unto thee, that thy performance may be for the welfare of thy soul." (2 Nephi 32:9)
That is all for this week, send me food or letters or emails (I can read emails any time during the week I just can't respond until Tuesday) and please include photos! I love and miss you all!
-Sister Brown
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Me & Sister Thomas with Elder Ripley & his companion |
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Me and the MTC Kitty (Sister Socks?) |
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Elder Bates |
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I found Elder Ripley & Hallie (Sister Stucki) at Sunday Devotional |
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Sister Thomas & I finding Nebraska on the map |
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Ran into Elder Chavez |
It's fun how many friends Madi knows at the MTC!
ReplyDeleteYou're awesome! We're thinking of and praying for you often...