Hello beautiful friends and family!!!
This week was crazy here...every week is crazy here. There are a gazillion particles of pollen in the air now at any given time, and I sneeze my guts out every day. It's a good time.
Wednesday we had a lesson with this guy named John that we found, and we set him for baptism!!!! He is so cool. that's pretty much all we did on Wednesday.
Thursday we had district council, but we totally forgot hahahahaha so we did all of our morning studies, then got a text from our district leader who said: "are you coming?" And we just ran to the car and showed up almost 45 min late hahaha. The rest of the day we didn't do much, we had dinner and a lesson with Chloe and the elders. She made us Japanese ramen and sweet mango sticky rice. (Chloe's food is always incredible) then we taught her the 10 commandments and talked about the prophet, she is SO cool. We really just had a discussion about doctrine because she already knows and lives it all. We also told her about keeping the Sabbath day holy, and she said she has been closing her restaurant on Sundays ever since she found out that was a commandment...like 6 months ago...so golden.
Friday we had a lesson with Amanda!!! We didn't have to drop her after all!! We went to Chic-Fil-A and talked about the Book of Mormon and how it can bless us. She is really searching, and it's really cool to see.
Saturday we had a mission-wide meeting with Elder Renlund!!!! The whole mission showed up at 7 AM and organized for a picture, and it was amazing. The reverence was UNREAL. Instead of idle chatter throughout the missionaries, every one sung hymns together as a mission while we waited for Elder Renlund to get there. When he came in we all recited The Living Christ. Then we all got to shake his hand as we walked into the chapel for the meeting. He is a spiritual giant, it was amazing to hear from him. I could've sat there all day and listened.
Sunday we had Stake Conference with Elder Cook of the 70. He talked a lot about President Nelson and how he is the busiest man, but also has time for everyone. It made me really think about myself. My ultimate goal as a missionary, and in life, is to help everyone feel like they are important and heard, I need to be like President Nelson.
Later we had dinner with Sister Ramos and her Fiance Chris, who is getting baptized on the 22nd of June!!! We taught him the Word of Wisdom and read with him about Jesus Christ in the garden of Gethsemane and talked about the bitter cup he drank for us. He was really apprehensive about giving up coffee and beer, so I am giving up soda in support for him. (Its gonna be a long road hahahaha)
I'm not getting transferred...but I will be getting a new companion....and I will be in the Trail Center one day a week!!!!!
I am so excited to serve in the visitors center finally! It's going to be such a cool experience.
I love you all!!!!!!!! Remember that you are all sons and daughters of God with divine worth. He knows and loves each one of you.
-Sister Brown
Mural in Little Mexico |
A picture I put together of the Provo Temple |
Chris, Sister Ramos fiance, is getting baptized on the 22nd!!! |
My best friend Hermana Jorgensen |
The WHOLE MISSION + Elder Renlund |
We have fun :) |
My Daughter |
My District! Left to right: Elder Campbell, Elder Mathews, Elder Collins, Elder Andrews, Sister Nelson, Me |
My Mom |
Transfer day |
Hermana Jorgensen |
Sister Torsak feat. Elder Collins |
Me being like...what is this |
Hermana Hansen |
Having fun |
Sister Ramos and Chris |
A little thing I made with my pressed flowers |
Cool Clouds |
Hermana Kinard |
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